The First Arts program at FPC has grown and is continuing to welcome additional musicians in the church. In addition to leading weekly services, First Arts puts on a number of special services and events throughout the year, including collaborations with other local churches and musicians in Evensong, Holy Week services, and Lessons and Carols, as well as concerts and recitals.
Handbell Choir
12 ringers
Meets Wednesdays, 5:15-6:00pm
The handbell choir is an intergenerational group of ringers that play in Sunday worship services on a monthly basis. Throughout the year, they also participate in several other special services, such as Lessons and Carols and Evensong. New ringers are always welcome and should email Andrew Harry for more details.
Chancel Choir
20 singers
Meets Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm
The Chancel choir is an intergenerational group of singers that lead the congregation in worship each Sunday. Throughout the year, they also lead several other special services, such as services during Holy Week, Lessons and Carols, and Evensong. New singers are always welcome and should email Andrew Harry for more details.