Welcome to FPC
We Presbyterians have been called “The Frozen Chosen.” Not that it’s a particularly flattering thing to be called.
The term is a not-so-veiled reference to a theology and worship style often associated with our flavor of Christianity. The thing about sayings, though, is that while there’s often a grain of truth to them, that grain tends to be surrounded by a whole bushel of wheat telling a more complete story.
Is our worship what some might call traditional? Yes it is… with nuance.
Do people come to worship wearing suits, ties, and all manner of Sunday best? Yes they do. They wear jeans, too.
Are Presbyterians as “heady” as their name sounds? If by “heady” you mean a group of people seeking a profound sense of depth, meaning, intellectualism, emotion, and connection centered around a Christian spirituality of the head and heart, then yes.
No church is perfect. We certainly are not. But we think we do some things pretty well. Like fostering community where everyone belongs. Like embracing grace and forgiveness and hope, which can be hard to come by nowadays. Like growing together as a people rather than moving away from one another. Like serving our neighbors by seeking justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly. Like working for a better world grounded in reconciliation, peace, and a love for God and God’s people that might not always make sense.
We’re a church that’s been around since 1829, but we’re trying to build upon that history with something new here in LaGrange. Something different. Something innovative that at the same time is rooted in time-honored ritual. Because we believe Christ calls us to be the church — not the Presbyterian church, not the “frozen chosen church,” but THE church— for exactly such a time as this.
We hope you’ll join us.